1. Calculate the total capacitance value in the circuit.

A  0.16 µF
B  6 µF
C  30 µF
D  70 µF

2. What is the unit of capacitance?
A  Mho
B  Henry
C  Farad
D  Coulomb

3. What is the capacitance value of a capacitor that requires 0.5 coulomb to charge to 35 volt?
A  0.014 F
B  0.025 F
C  0.14 F
D  0.25 F

4. How the value of capacitance can be decreased?
A  Increasing the plate area
B  Increasing the resistance of the plates
C  Increasing the distance between the plates
D  Using high dielectric constant material

5. Which is the diamagnetic substance?
A  Air
B  Steel
C  Water
D  Platinum

6. Which factor affects the polarity of the electromagnet?
A  Length of the coil
B  Direction of current
C  Strength of current
D  Strength of the magnetic field

7. What is the unit of Magneto Motive Force (MMF)?
A  $\displaystyle Ampere/m^{2}$
B  $\displaystyle Ampere-m$
C  $\displaystyle Ampere-turns$
D  $\displaystyle Ampere/turns$

8. What is the total inductance if 3 inductors (L1, L2 and L3) are connected in series?
A  $\displaystyle L_{T}=L_{1}\times L_{2}\times L_{3}$
B  $\displaystyle L_{T}=L_{1}+L_{2}+L_{3}$
C  $\displaystyle L_{T}=\frac{1}{L_{1}}+\frac{1}{L_{2}}+\frac{1}{L_{3}}$
D  $\displaystyle L_{T}=\frac{1}{L_{1}+L_{2}+L_{3}}$

9. What is the unit of permeance?
A  Ampere - turns
B  Weber/Ampere turns
C  Ampere turns/Weber
D  Weber/Square metre

10. Which rule is applied to find the direction of magnetic fields in a solenoid coil?
A  Cork screw rule
B  Right hand palm rule
C  Flemings left hand rule
D  Flemings right hand rule

11. Calculate the total value of capacitance of series capacitor circuit.
A  4µfd
B  10µfd
C  15µfd
D  40µfd

12. What precaution to be taken before connecting the different voltage rating capacitors in series?
A  All the capacitors must be same manufacturer
B  Each capacitors voltage drop must be less than its voltage rating
C  Total capacitors value must be less than the lowest value of capacitor
D  Break down voltage of each capacitor must be same

13. Which material is the paramagnetic substance?
A  Cleat wiring
B  Copper
C  Bismuth
D  Graphite

14. What is the part marked as X in B.H curve?
A  Coercivity
B  Saturation point
C  Magnetizing force
D  Residual magnetism

15. What is the similar term in magnetic circuit for “conductance” in electrical circuit?

A  Reluctivity
B  Permeance
C  Reluctance
D  Permeability

16. What is the unit of Reluctance?
A  $\displaystyle Weber/metre^{2}$
B  $\displaystyle Weber/metre$
C  $\displaystyle Ampere\: turns/Weber$
D  $\displaystyle Ampere\: turns / metre^{2}$

17. Which is the correct expression of capacitance C if the electric charge is Q and the voltage is V?
A  $\displaystyle C=Q/V$
B  $\displaystyle C=V/Q$
C  $\displaystyle C=VQ$
D  $\displaystyle C=\sqrt{VQ}$

18. How can you increase the pulling strength of an electromagnet?
A  Increase the field intensity
B  Reduce the current in the coil
C  Reduce the number of turns in the coil
D  Increase the B-H curve of the material

19. Which defines the flux density is always lagging behind the magnetizing force?
A  Hysteresis
B  Magnetic intensity
C  Magnetic induction
D  Residual magnetism

20. What is the effect on surrounding metal placed in a magnetic field?
A  Hysteresis
B  Skin effect
C  Eddy current
D  Dielectric stress

21. In which device the air capacitors are used?
A  TV tuner
B  Oscillator
C  Loudspeaker
D  Radio receiver

22. What will happen, if the polarized electrolytic capacitor is reversely connected?
A  No effect on the capacitor
B  Explode due to excessive heat
C  Current is reduced in the circuit
D  Value of capacitance will be increased

23. Which is the diamagnetic substance?
A  Wood
B  Nickel
C  Platinum
D  Manganese

24. What is the S.I unit of Flux density?
A  Tesla
B  Weber
C  Weber/metre
D  Ampere-turns

25. What indicates the shape of a BH curve (Hysteresis loop) of material?
A  Reluctance of the material
B  Field intensity of the substance
C  Magnetic properties of the material
D  Pulling power of the magnetic material

26. Which electrical quantity is directly proportional to the eddy current?
A  Voltage
B  Current
C  Frequency
D  Resistance

27. Which is the cause for changing the permeability?
A  Length
B  Flux density
C  Field intensity
D  Magneto motive force

28. Which type of capacitor is used for space electronics?
A  Plastic film type
B  Ceramic disc type
C  Electrolytic-Aluminum type
D  Electrolytic-Tantalum type

29. What is the effect of the electrolytic capacitor, if open circuit fault occurs?
A  It will not function
B  It will burst at once
C  It will become leaky
D  It will function normally

30. What will be the change in value of capacitance if the distance of the plates are decreased in the capacitor?
A  Becomes zero
B  Remains same
C  Decreases
D  Increases

31. Which property of magnet is illustrated?
A  Directive property
B  Induction property
C  Saturation property
D  Poles existing property

32. Which is a paramagnetic substance?
A  Air
B  Steel
C  Glass
D  Water

33. Which method of magnetization is used to make commercial purpose permanent magnets?

A  Induction method
B  Single touch method
C  Double touch method
D  Divided touch method

34. What is the effect of inductance if the distance between the turns increases?
A  Increases
B  Decreases
C  Becomes zero
D  Remains same

35. What is the function of dielectric insulator in capacitor?
A  Increases the strength of capacitance
B  Prevents any current flow between plates
C  Protects from short circuit between the plates
D  Helps to hold the charge in capacitor for long period

36. Which factor is determining the value of capacitance in capacitor?
A  Area of the plates
B  Shape of the plates
C  Material of the plates
D  Thickness of the plates

37. Which type of capacitors are used in RF coupling circuit?
A  Tantalum
B  Monolithic
C  Electrolytic
D  Metalized poly propylene