1. Which device converts sunlight into electrical energy?
A Photo voltaic cell
B Liquid crystal diode
C Light emitting diode
D Light dependent resistor
2. Which law secondary cell works?
A Lenz’s law
B Joule’s law
C Faradays laws of electrolysis
D Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction
3. What is the formula to calculate the Mass deposited during electrolysis?
A M = it gm
B M = zit gm
C M = it/z gm
D M = z/it gm
4. How the capacity of batteries is specified?
A Volt
B Watt
C Volt Ampere
D Ampere hour
5. What is the name of defect that bending of plates in secondary cells?
A Buckling
B Local action
C Partial short
D Hard sulphation
6. What is the unit of electric charge?
A Volt
B Watt
C Ampere
D Coulomb
7. What is the output voltage of lithium cell?
A 1.2 V
B 1.5 V
C 1.8 V
D 2.5 V
8. What is the method of charging if the battery is to be charged for short duration at higher rate?
A Initial charge
B Boost charge
C Trickle charge
D Freshening charge
9. Which electrolyte used in carbon zinc dry cells?
A Dilute sulphuric acid
B Ammonium chloride
C Potassium hydroxide
D Concentrated hydrochloric
10. Which effect causes by passing electric current in liquids?
A Heating
B Lighting
C Magnetic
D Chemical
11. Which material is used to make negative plates in lead acid battery?
A Lead dioxide
B Sponge lead
C Lead peroxide
D Lead sulphate
12. Which technique is used to control the corrosion of a metal surface?
A Anodic protection
B Cathodic protection
C Electrolytic protection
D Electrostatic protection
13. Which cell is most often used in digital watches?
A Voltaic
B Lithium
C Mercury
D Silver oxide
14. What is the effect if one cell is connected with reverse polarity in a parallel combination circuit?
A Voltage become zero
B Become open circuit
C Will get short circuited
D No effect will function normally
15. What is the function of fine selector switch in battery charger?
A Selection of current rating
B Selection of charging time
C Selection of voltage range
D Selection of charging method
16. What is the effect on output power with respect to temperature in solar cells?
A No effect on change in temperature
B Increases with increase in temperature
C Decreases with increase in temperature
D Decreases with decrease in temperature
17. What purpose the hydrometer is used during charging of battery?
A Determine the AH capacity
B Assess the battery voltage level
C Assess the discharge level of battery
D Determine the specific gravity of electrolyte
18. What is the formula for Faraday’s first law of electrolysis?
A M = Z/it
B M = Zit
C M = it/ Z
D M = Zt/i
19. Which is used as an electrolyte in lead acid battery?
A Hydrochloric acid
B Ammonium chloride
C Potassium hydroxide
D Diluted sulphuric acid
20. What is the total voltage of the circuit?
B 6.0 Volt
C 7.5 Volt
D 9.0 Volt
21. What is the outcome at the positive plate, after the chemical reaction in lead acid battery during charging?
A Sponge lead(Pb)
B Lead peroxide($\displaystyle PbO_{2}$)
C Lead sulphate($\displaystyle PbSO_{4}$)
D Lead sulphate + water
22. Why the vent plug is kept open during charging of a battery?
A To escape the gas freely
B To allow oxygen enter inside
C To check the level of electrolyte
D To check the colour changes in the plates
23. In which method the battery is charged at low current for long period?
A Rectifier method
B Trickle charging method
C Constant current method
D Constant potential method
24. How the hard sulphation defect in lead acid battery can be rectified?
A Changing with new electrolyte
B Replacing with new electrodes
C Recharging the battery for a longer period at low current
D Recharging the battery for short period at high current
25. Which material is used as cathode (-ve) electrode in silver oxide battery?
A Zinc
B Copper
C Carbon
D Silver oxide
26. What is the Electro Chemical Equivalent (ECE) of silver?
A 0.001182 mg/coulomb
B 0.01182 mg/coulomb
C 0.1182 mg/coulomb
D 1.1182 mg/coulomb
27. What is the outcome of the chemical reaction that takes place in negative plate of lead acid battery during discharging?
A Sponge lead(Pb)
B Lead peroxide($\displaystyle PbO_{2}$)
C Lead sulphate($\displaystyle PbSO_{4}$)
D Lead sulphate + water
28. What is the purpose of separator in lead acid battery?
A To provide a path for electrolyte
B To hold the positive and negative plate firmly
C To avoid short in between the positive and negative plates
D To keep positive and negative plate in a sequence array
29. Which instrument is used to measure the specific gravity of electrolyte in lead acid battery?
A Barometer
B Hydrometer
C Anima meter
D High rate discharge tester
30. Which type of inverter circuit?
A Driven inverter
B SCR used inverter
C Single transistor inverter
D Two winding transformer inverter
31. What is the effect of buckling defect in a lead acid battery?
A Bending of the electrodes
B Reducing the strength of electrolyte
C Making short between the electrodes
D Increasing the internal resistance
32. What is the total output voltage of the circuit?
A 0 V
B 1.5 V
C 3.0 V
D 4.5 V
33. Which is used as a positive electrode in a dry cell?
A Zinc
B Carbon
C Copper
D Lithium
34. What happen to the terminal voltage of a cell if load increases?
A Increases
B Decreases
C Falls to zero
D Remains same
35. How local action defect is prevented in voltaic cell?
A By connecting cells in series
B By using a depolarizing agent
C By connecting cells in parallel
D By amalgamating the zinc plate
36. What does the letter Z indicate in the formula M=Z/it
A Time in seconds
B E.C.E of electrolyte
C Amount of current in Amp
D Mass deposited in grams
37. What is the Electro Chemical Equivalent (ECE) of copper?
A 0.329 mg / coulomb
B 0.329 g/ coulomb
C 1.1182 mg / coulomb
D 1.1182 g/ coulomb
38. Which is the cause for buckling defect in lead acid battery?
A Overcharging or over discharging
B Charging with low rate for short period
C Formation of sediments falling from the plate
D Battery is kept in discharged condition for long period
39. Which apparatus is used to check the charging condition of voltage in battery?
A Voltmeter
B Multimeter
C Hydrometer
D High rate discharge tester
40. Which part is losing electron during electrolysis?
A Cathode
B Anode
C Electrolyte
D Seperator