1. Friction
- Advantages and disadvantages, Laws of friction, co-efficient of friction, angle of friction, simple problems related to friction
- Lubrication
- Co- efficient of friction, application and effects of friction in workshop practice
2. Centre of Gravity
- Centre of gravity and its practical application
3. Area of cut out regular surfaces and area of irregular surfaces
- Circle, segment and sector of circle
- Related problems of area of cut out regular surfaces - circle, segment and sector of circle
- Area of irregular surfaces and application related to shop problems
4. Algebra
- Addition , subtraction, multiplication & division
- Theory of indices, algebraic formula, related problems
5. Elasticity
- Elastic, plastic materials, stress, strain and their units and young’s modulus
- Ultimate stress and working stress
6. Heat Treatment
- Heat treatment and advantages
- Different heat treatment process – Hardening, tempering, annealing, normalising and case hardening
7. Profit and Loss
- Simple problems on profit & loss
- Simple and compound interest
8. Estimation and Costing
- Simple estimation of the requirement of material etc., as applicable to the trade
- Problems on estimation and costing